View International Unit Gif. The formula used in international units to xs conversion is 1 international unit = 1 x. (pharmacology) a particular, minute unit of mass, defined differently for different substances, but so that varying substances of the same general type have the property that one international unit of the one has the same effect on the human body as.
A unit used to measure the activity of many vitamins, hormones, enzymes, and drugs.
These international unit are remote controlled. (pharmacology) a particular, minute unit of mass, defined differently for different substances, but so that varying substances of the same general type have the property that one international unit of the one has the same effect on the human body as. The definition of on iu (international unit) is given to the activity assay under standard conditions eg ifcc defined conditions for measurement of serum enzyme units in clinical chemistry. Noun international unit an internationally agreed upon standard, as measured by bioassay, to which samples of a substance, as a drug or hormone, are compared to ascertain their relative potency.